The resumption of Germany’s premier men’s club soccer is perfectly timed for legal sportsbooks in Nevada. For those betting within the state, it could arguably be the optimal time to invest in Bundesliga betting markets.
The uncertainty shrouding Bundesliga could be advantageous to bettors. Moreover, the scarcity of major North American sports could provide abundant opportunities.
Bundesliga betting could take centerstage soon
Comparing the popularity of Bundesliga in Germany to that of the NFL in the United States of America would be reasonable in terms of national popularity. However, Bundesliga also has a robust international following.
The Bundesliga attracts many of the world’s top male players. A prime example is 17-year-old US native Giovanna Reyna, a player for Borussia Dortmund.
The Bundesliga fixture is famous for its gameplay due to its capacity to draw in elite players. Annually, its two leading clubs participate in the men’s UEFA Champions League. Furthermore, every four years, numerous players from the league represent their respective nations in the FIFA Men’s World Cup.
Most US jurisdictions that permit sports betting include Bundesliga among their approved events, thanks to its achievements and fame. This encompasses everything from straight bets to spreads, totals, futures, parlays, and props.
Nevada is certainly not an exception to that. In fact, it’s possible that NV has the best odds on Bundesliga matches, as the state’s oddsmakers have the most experience.
The suspension or delayed start of major North American sports only increases the chances that NV sportsbooks will develop markets on Bundesliga. This might also provide them with a reason to allocate more promotional funds towards these markets.
This specific season stands out as an anomaly. Numerous elements render this year’s Bundesliga campaign distinctive, potentially indicating opportunities for bettors.
How uncertainty could benefit bettors on Bundesliga
When oddsmakers undertake the task of handicapping these matches, they will encounter several new questions that typically don’t arise under normal circumstances. These questions encompass:
- Could rust impact the scoring of matches?
- Could some players return to resumed play in better shape than others?
- What impact will playing in empty stadiums have on matches?
Of course, bettors attempting to handicap matches will also have to answer these questions. The unpredictability may result in sportsbooks inaccurately assessing some matches, potentially leading to payouts for savvy bettors.
It appears quite evident that, despite the uncertainty, sportsbooks will undoubtedly be willing to take action on Bundesliga. In simple terms, they require Bundesliga.
Gaming revenue in March this year fell by 40% compared to the same month last year. The shutdown of casinos significantly contributed to this decline, but the limited opportunities for sportsbooks to provide action also played a part.
Among other current choices such as Korean Baseball and Ukrainian table tennis, Bundesliga enjoys a significantly larger fanbase. Therefore, as long as this situation persists, NV sportsbooks are likely to capitalize on this popularity as much as possible.
Bundesliga betting could potentially be more profitable than ever later this month. Even though there may not be spectators in the stadium when the games restart, the number of global viewers this year could surpass previous records.