2021 Westgate SuperContest Sign Ups Begin July 1

Written By Marc Meltzer on June 22, 2021
Westgate SuperBook Entry Fees

The granddaddy of pro football handicapping contests is back for the 2021 NFL season. The Westgate  SuperContest and SuperContest Gold are back. Registration for both contests begins on July 1.

While the basic contest rules remain the same, there are some changes to how the contest is played and how much money is paid to contestants. There are two big differences for the SuperContest from recent years.

The first major change is the buy-in price. The Westgate lowered the SuperContest entry fee from $1,500 to $1,000.

Additionally, the casino is dumping the administration for the contest. There is no longer a rake for either SuperContest. All contest entry fees will once again be paid out to the participants.

The new lower entry fee and removal of the admin fee match the Circa Sports Millions contests.

How to participate in the Westgate SuperContest

The Westgate SuperContest is a traditional NFL picks contest. Each week contestants will select a side against the spread for five games. Each correct selection is worth a point. The player with the most points for the season or selected segments (see below) will win the contest.

Nevada residents can place picks in person at the Westgate SuperBook. They can also submit picks on a mobile device using the SuperBook Nevada sports betting app.

Non-residents also can participate in the Westgate SuperContest. Each participant must sign up for the SuperContest in person at the Westgate SuperBook. In order to make weekly picks, contestants outside of Nevada can hire an in-state proxy.

Proxy services are based in Nevada and can legally place weekly picks for out-of-state contestants. There’s a fee for a proxy service but it allows players outside of Nevada to participate in football contests without living in the Silver State.

Registration for both Westgate SuperContest begins July 1. The deadline to enter the NFL handicapping contests is Sept. 11.

Mini contests

There are multiple smaller additions to SuperContest this year. The mini-contests are intended to be “small” additions to the seasonlong contest. This year the SuperContest will offer nine in-season contests in addition to the regular full-season SuperContest.

Thanks to the NFL schedule change to 18 weeks, the Westgate changed its mini-contest structure. Instead of four quarterly contests, there will be six three-week mini-contests. The top three participants will in each segment win a prize:

  • First place: $75,000
  • Second place: $25,000
  • Third place: $5,000

There will also be a few longer in-season contests that will break up the season. The next series of mini-contests inside the regular season is a little longer. This year there will be three six-week contests during the season. The top five finishers in each segment win a prize:

  • First place: $100,000
  • Second place: $50,000
  • Third place: $10,000
  • Fourth place: $5,000
  • Fifth place: $2,500

The guaranteed mini-contest prize pool of $1,132,500 will be taken from the overall contest entry fees. The rest of the money from entry fees will be split among main contest winners.

Wesgate SuperContest Gold

SuperContest Gold will remain the same as previous years. Once again there’s a $5,000 entry fee for this high roller contest. There’s only one prize for SuperContest Gold. The grand prize is 100% of the entry fees paid to one winner.

While the contest fee is larger for SuperContest Gold, the prize may be smaller than the winner of the traditional SuperContest. Last year, the SuperContest Gold winner took home $360,000. First place for the main SuperContest paid $435,623.20.

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Marc Meltzer

Marc grew up on the mean streets of the South Bronx. He’s the rare combination of Yankees and Jets fan which explains his often contrarian point of view. Marc is a freelance writer and social media consultant. Writing about steak, booze, gambling and Las Vegas is a tough job but somebody has to do it.

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