Nevada-based players soon will need to make some changes to stay in the game with WSOP.com.
WSOP’s move to pool players in Nevada, New Jersey, and Delaware will create an enhanced experience in each state. WSOP.com becomes the first online poker site to offer shared liquidity with players from the three states.
The new experience will require a new account though. Regulations in New Jersey require accounts to run through state-based servers, so it’s off to the Garden State for everyone.
A pre-registration period opened this week and continues through May 1. WSOP.com put out carrots, like a chance at a free $10,000 Main Event seat, to encourage early migration by its Nevada customers.
What Nevada players need to do to start the move
Migrate your account to the NJ client
First, you will need a new account — get that process started here. When you open that new account, your current Nevada account will close. Much of your information will move with you to New Jersey, including bankroll, loyalty points, and tournament tickets. WSOP.com only makes that transfer promise if you pre-register by May 1 though.
Your screen name likely will remain the same. It might not if a New Jersey player already owns it or an early-bird migrator beats you to it. Be prepared also that hand histories and player notes will not survive the move.
Your bankroll will get a boost as well — the current signup bonus is a 100 percent match up to $1,000. During the pre-registration period, WSOP will not accept deposits or wager for the interstate-play site.
Confirm your eligibility
Before you can play, you will need to verify eligibility through the standard Know Your Customer (KYC) check. This allows WSOP.com to check your identity and location.
If you do not pass, you can upload documents to be ready for the new site. If you moved recently, the KYC check might not know your new address and you can verify it this way.
Download the new client
When the day of migration hits, WSOP will take down all games for a few hours to facilitate the transition. You will need to update your mobile or desktop software when the site comes back up. You will still log into the Nevada site, but behind the scenes, you will be routed through the New Jersey servers.
If you have any trouble, WSOP.com customer service can be reached 24 hours a day:
[email protected]
A comprehensive FAQ is also availableon the WSOP site.
If you are visiting for the live World Series of Poker (WSOP) this summer, keep your eyes out for the Lambada Room. That area has WSOP.com customer service reps on staff who can help you set up your account.